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ChineseItalianFrenchSpanishArabicGermanPortugueseRussianMandarinRomanianDutchPolishWelshTurkishEnglish to FrenchEnglish to ItalianEnglish to PortugueseEnglish to WelshEnglish to ChineseTurkish to EnglishChinese to EnglishEnglish to GreekRomanian to EnglishUrdu to EnglishEnglish to DutchGreek to EnglishEnglish to GujaratiEnglish to CantoneseEnglish to Bulgarian
Freelance Translation Services FAQs
What is a language translation service and how can it help my business?
Whether your business already has operations overseas, or you are considering expanding your reach, language translation services might be for you. You may have already identified your specific need for languages and be ready to find the right professional to help. Before purchasing a freelance language translation service, be certain of the skills of the freelance translator as well as his industry of expertise.I need translation help with an uncommon language– what should I do?
Though some of the most popular language services include English translation, Chinese translation, German translation, French translation, Italian translation, Spanish translation and so on, PeoplePerHour also offers expert freelance services in less frequently used languages. For example, you can search for Latin translation, Greek translation, or Bulgarian translation talent.What factors should be considered when using a translation service?
When looking for a language translation service, search for demonstrable expertise from your freelance translator. Look at the feedback they have for projects they have completed and ask for examples of their translation work. If you are unsure whether a translator can perform the task you need, you can always test them with a small piece of paid work before hiring them for a major project.What sort of translation services are available at PeoplePerHour?
At PeoplePerHour there are hundreds of language translation services available including Spanish translation, French translation, German translation, Italian translation, Latin translation, Chinese translation, Russian translation and Arabic translation. Request your literature to be translated into English, or from English, or between any language pair combination you can think of.
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